My oldest turned 11 the year I turned 44, and we just celebrated our second palindrome birthdays this year (I will leave you to do the math). A palindrome (from the Greek roots palin “again, back” and dromos “running”) is a word, sentence, or number that reads the same backwards and forwards.
A first generation Asian American, I have spent most of my life in forward drive, focused on achievement – getting the best grades, going to the best schools, working at the best firms, getting the highest ratings. But as I contemplate my next palindrome birthday, I can’t help but look back and ask, how have I lived my life?
After my youngest was born (for those interested in doing the math, we are both Scorpio Monkeys), I started practicing yoga. It has now become one of my rituals for recharging and for staying grounded. I especially enjoy the signature We Flow Hard class at Y7, where we practice three sequences three times each, first breaking down the sequence for proper alignment, second moving more fluidly with one breath per movement, finally building up to the third Flow on Your Own, all in a dark, heated room to music.