Thirty years ago, Kevin Kline won a Golden Globe for playing a presidential look-alike in a political comedy called "Dave." Klein portrayed an ordinary citizen who secretly substitutes for a President that suffered a stroke. As pseudo-President, Dave makes a difference by advancing programs for the public good. He continues the charade until the Vice President returns from a goodwill tour of Africa and is sworn in as President. The funny and inspiring movie is available for streaming on Amazon Prime, Apple TV+, and YouTube.
The American Bar Association recognized the importance of voting in 2014 when it adopted the Law Day theme of “American Democracy and the Rule of Law: Why Every Vote Matters.” Voting enables lawyers to discharge their civic duty and advance causes they support. This article has several voting tips and resources for implementing them.
Encourage Others - rally family and friends to vote.
Influence Outcomes - influence outcomes by voting for candidates that support your causes.
Investigate Candidates - research the voting records of candidates and their truthfulness.
Participate - consider volunteering to help candidates win the election.