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Voice of Experience

Voice of Experience: June 2023

SLD's 2023 U.S. Supreme Court Trip

Senior Lawyers Division


  • For over 20 years, the Senior Lawyers Division has organized a group admission to the U.S. Supreme Court Bar.
  • In June 2023, 41 attorneys were admitted from over 20 different states.
  • The event included an orientation session led by legal professionals, a dinner, and a breakfast meet-and-greet with Chief Justice Roberts at the court.
  • The admittees witnessed the Court reading its decisions on cases such as Allen v. Milligan.
  • The 2024 Supreme Court Trip will be June 5-6, 2024.
  • Joining the U.S. Supreme Court Bar offers unique opportunities and perks such as special seating, access to the Court's library, and the chance to add a prestigious credential to one's resume.
SLD's 2023 U.S. Supreme Court Trip
Supreme Court of the United States

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On June 8th, 2023, 41 attorneys joined the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, swearing an oath before the nine justices of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.

On Wednesday, June 7th, the admittees and their guests gathered for an orientation session led by Jack Young, Division Delegate to the ABA House of Delegates and Co-Chair to both the Election Law Committee and the Strategic Planning Committee. At the orientation session, the rules and procedures for the swearing-in ceremony and role of the movant  were discussed, who was played this year by Jim Schwartz, Chair of the SLD. Special guest Robert S. Peck, founder and president of the Center for Constitutional Law, also joined us and shared unique insights about his time spent at the Supreme Court. The group then attended dinner.

On Thursday, June 8th, admittees and their guests enjoyed breakfast at the Court and a meet and greet with Chief Justice Roberts. Court then began promtply at 10am. After Jim Schwartz's motion as movant was approved, the new admittees took the oath of admission. The admittees and their guests also witnessed four decision made by the Court, including Allen v. Milligan. 

This year's group had 41 admittees from over 20 states. It's been organized by the Senior Lawyers Division for over 20 years. This year, it was cosponsored by the Young Lawyers Division, Civil Rights and Social Justice Section, Criminal Justice Section, and Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division.

YLD Chair Josephine Bahn, reflects on her experiences during the trip here.

2024 Supreme Court Trip 

The ABA Senior Lawyers Division has sponsored an admission trip to the Supreme Court for about 20 years and several hundred have participated. The 2024 trip will be held on June 5-6thRegistration and more details will be available early 2024.

Why Be Sworn-in?

Our Supreme Court swearing-in trip offers unique Supreme Court programming. You may even be recognized by name to the Justices during your group admission.

Check off a bucket list item with your colleagues and friends - and meet new ones.

Arguing a Supreme Court case may be unlikely, but admission to the Supreme Court Bar has perks. 

Why should lawyers seek admission to the U.S. Supreme Court Bar?

  • No bar exam needed. Most U.S. attorneys with 3+ years of practice are eligible for admission to the Supreme Court.
  • Watch future proceedings from special seating. Nabbing public seats for Supreme Court hearings and decision announcements can be tricky, but the Court reserves a special section for members of its Bar.
  • Access the Court’s library. A select list of VIPs can get into the U.S. Supreme Court library, including Members of Congress, attorneys for government agencies, and admitted attorneys.
  • Join a prestigious club. Only a handful of U.S. lawyers are eligible to argue cases before the Supreme Court.
  • Add an impressive resume bullet. Display your status on your CV, bar record/license, firm site, social media, etc.
  • Get a certificate. The experience includes an impressive certificate of admission from the U.S. Supreme Court for your collection.