The Uniform Antitrust Pre-Merger Notification Act improves the efficiency of the state merger review process for all parties and enhances certainty for businesses. The Act creates a process for state attorneys general to receive Hart-Scott-Rodino (HSR) forms and the additional documentary material filed with them. HSR forms, and the additional documentary material filed with them, contain information about proposed transactions and are used to review the potential anticompetitive effects of the proposed transaction. While state AGs have the authority to enforce federal and state merger law, they do not currently have access to HSR forms and additional documentary materials absent costly and time-consuming subpoenas. This delay reduces certainty for parties seeking to close their deals.
Note: The Uniform Antitrust Premerger Notification Act is being presented to the ABA House of Delegate at the 2025 ABA Midyear Meeting of the House of Delegates on Monday, February 3, 2025. The related resolution is a proposal and has not yet been adopted as official policy of the American Bar Association. The content of this resolution is subject to change and does not represent the views of the ABA until formally adopted by the House of Delegates.
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