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Is the Rule of Law a Broken Ruler? Exploring Democratic Resilience, Challenges and Lessons from Korea and Others

Shyam Divan, Barbara J Howard, Chunghwan Choi, Joun-Ho Philippe Shin, Robert G Bracknell, Robert L Brown, and Jonathan Michael Meyer

The speakers will discuss the following critical lessons from South Korea’s recent martial law declaration, as well as experiences in the US, focusing on democracy's fragility and the role of law in safeguarding it.

  • Fragility of democracy: examining vulnerabilities in democratic systems and strategies for protecting constitutional principles.

  • Resilience of independent institutions: exploring how judiciary, legislature, and media counter executive overreach during crises.

  • Political polarization and the rule of law: addressing how polarization impacts legal systems and fosters unity in divided societies.

  • International responses to democratic erosion: highlighting global efforts to support democracies under threat while respecting sovereignty.


  • Shyam Divan: President of LAWASIA; Bengaluru, India

  • Barbara Howard, American Bar Association (ABA), Candidate (Unopposed) to be ABA President 2026-7, Board Certified Family Relations Law Specialist, Cincinnati, Ohio

  • Chunghwan Choi, Former President of LAWASIA; Former Management Board Member of International Bar Association; Senior Partner of IP & Technology Practice Group, Yulchon, Seoul, Republic of Korea

  • Joun-Ho Philippe Shin, ABA, International Law Section, Co-chair of Northeast Asia Japan Korea Committee; Chair of Seoul City Chapter; Senior Foreign Attorney, Shin & Kim LLC, Seoul, Republic of Korea

  • Butch Bracknell: TRG, Senior Advisor. After 22 years in US Marine Corps as a military lawyer and armor officer, including service in Cuba, Iraq, Bosnia, Afghanistan and Germany, he served almost 9 years as a NATO international and business law attorney. He has experience in civilian police oversight and grievance adjudication. He has been awarded the ABA Military Lawyer of the Year honor.

  • Moderator, Robert Brown, ABA, International Section, Former Chair; ABA, Senior Lawyers Division, Chair 2026-7.

  • Facilitator, Jonathan Meyer, ABA, Senior Lawyers Division, International Committee, Chair.

Format: The program will be a Q&A session focusing on the above four topics.

Support From:


  • American Bar Association, Senior Lawyers Division, International Committee

  • American Bar Association, International Law Section, Northeast Asia Japan Korea Committee

Note this presentation does not qualify for CLE.
