We will provide information about what committee positions and leadership, including liaison, positions available and any requirements to apply for these positions.
We will create a Mentoring program to encourage active participation by Judges, law students and other legal professionals to become leaders at all levels within the Division.
We will create a Nominating Committee dedicated to embracing diversity, equity and inclusion in recommending individuals to all leadership positions.
Programming And Projects
We will allocate the resources needed to address barriers that might exist to interfere or preclude diversity, equity and inclusion in our membership, programming and projects.
We will appoint individuals who will be active and engaged substantively in authorship, editorial policy, and content of publications and programs that is respectful of diversity, equity and inclusion consistent with SLD’s subject matter specialty.
We will seek content of publications that appeals to communities from diverse backgrounds, consistent with SLD’s subject matter specialty.
We will seek program locations, venues, and virtual platforms, as well as social media, to enhance opportunities for active participation.
We will ensure content of publications is accessible to persons with disabilities and compatible with assistive technologies they use.
We will ensure that marketing and member solicitation materials are diverse and inclusive.
We will seek co-sponsorships with bar associations and other organizations, within and outside the ABA, who can contribute to diversity, equity and inclusion.
We will advocate for and support ABA policies and actions that encourage diversity, equity and inclusion of Judges, law students and other legal professionals.
Each year we will review our membership rolls, materials, programs and projects to evaluate and assess our efforts to achieve these Goals and Objectives and to recommend any changes, if needed.
Each year we will report the results of our review to the membership of SLD for comments and suggestions for maintenance and improvement of our efforts to encourage diversity, equity and inclusion in SLD and in the legal profession and Judicial system