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April 22, 2022 Departments

A New Chapter: A Tribute to Caryn Cross Hawk

By Lucy L. Thomson and Ruth Hill Bro
Caryn with SciTech leaders and guests, including Caryn’s husband and SciTech’s unofficial photographer Shawn Hawk (tallest man, back row, on right)

Caryn with SciTech leaders and guests, including Caryn’s husband and SciTech’s unofficial photographer Shawn Hawk (tallest man, back row, on right)

A wonderful chapter in the ABA Science & Technology Law Section’s history ended on December 10, 2021, when Section Director Caryn Cross Hawk retired, after nearly a decade of sharing her enthusiasm, wise counsel, and grace with thousands of Section members and leaders, hundreds of ABA colleagues, and SciTech’s extended communities in the world beyond the Association. On behalf of Caryn’s many friends in SciTech, we express tremendous gratitude for her leadership in making the Section’s mission a reality and for her focus on what truly sets SciTech apart—its people (our intellectually curious, collaborative, and collegial colleagues).

Caryn with SciTech leaders at SciTech’s first National Institute, The Internet of Things (IoT), Washington, DC, March 30–31, 2016

Caryn with SciTech leaders at SciTech’s first National Institute, The Internet of Things (IoT), Washington, DC, March 30–31, 2016

This chapter started in August 2012 when Caryn joined SciTech at the ABA Annual Meeting in Chicago and jumped in to launch a bar year filled with a multitude of activities that highlighted that year’s theme: the mobile transformation. One banner year later at the ABA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, Caryn organized SciTech’s celebration at the St. Francis Yacht Club (yards from the starting line of the America’s Cup races), where we marked the publication of six new books, a SciTech Lawyer magazine special series, the launch of three new life sciences committees, and seven CLE programs on cutting-edge issues.

In the years that followed, Caryn took charge of memorable SciTech meetings in locations from Vancouver, New York City, San Diego, New Orleans, Miami, Boston, Dallas, Houston, and Austin to perennial favorites San Francisco and Chicago. Along the way, she skillfully navigated SciTech through myriad challenges, while her strategic vision and practical savvy kept the Section growing and “on the map.” Caryn oversaw the publication of important books, collaboration with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and new groundbreaking National Institutes on the Internet of Things (IoT) and on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (the authors of this article cherish memories of our debriefs with Caryn after every IoT Institute in Washington, D.C.).

Caryn’s husband Shawn Hawk was a frequent and welcome presence at SciTech meetings, where he skillfully captured key moments with his photographs of SciTech leaders and friends dedicated to emerging issues in science, technology, and the law.

Caryn’s farewell message touched on what sets SciTech apart: “After working for more than 35 years, which includes my time at the ABA and previously at United Airlines and two major accounting firms, I can honestly say that my experience in the Section with all of you has been the most pleasant, welcoming, and interesting environment I have experienced during my career. Thank you for your friendship and support.”

And so this chapter for SciTech ends as Caryn begins a new chapter. Caryn made her mark on SciTech and will be remembered not only for her many accomplishments but also for her friendship, which will remain with us as we navigate unprecedented scientific and technological changes. We hope that Caryn enjoys this new chapter in her life—every day will be a new page, and she will choose how to fill it.

The material in all ABA publications is copyrighted and may be reprinted by permission only. Request reprint permission here.

By Lucy L. Thomson and Ruth Hill Bro

Lucy L. Thomson ([email protected]) and Ruth Hill Bro ([email protected]) are both privacy and cybersecurity attorneys, senior advisors to SciTech’s Privacy, Security, and Emerging Technology Division, members of the planning committee of SciTech’s IoT National Institute (2016–present), and past SciTech Section chairs (Lucy 2012–2013, Ruth 2008–2009). Ruth also serves on the planning committee of the AI and Robotics National Institute (2020–present).