Science & Engineering Toxic Preemption: Why the Lautenberg Chemical Safety Act’s Erosion of State Authority Contaminates Environmental Law Kalyn Behnke A single federal regulatory standard does not always lead to better policy outcomes.
Science & Engineering Zero-Day Responsibility: The Benefits of a Safe Harbor for Cybersecurity Research Alek Charles Emery There currently exists a practically unregulated—or under regulated—market where the most powerful and potentially harmful computer exploits are routinely bought and sold.
Science & Engineering The Dark Side of the Light: Rachel Carson, Light Pollution, and a Case for Federal Regulation D. Eric Lystrup This comment explores the negative effects of light pollution and considers whether current levels of artificial light at night (LAN) warrant federal control by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Science & Engineering How the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard Threatens Transparency and Food Security Robin M. Nagele In July 2016, President Barack Obama signed the National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard into law.