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Law Student Member Resources

Law Student Member Resources

Stand Out - Law Student Leadership Opportunities

SciTech is on the lookout for the next generation of leaders in over 20 committees focused on the hottest topics in science and technology law. Opportunities include serving as an update editor, a newsletter editor, and a social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter) contributor, among so many others.

In these lean economic times, it’s smart to always be on the lookout for ways to stand out and give yourself a competitive edge. If an opportunity to stand out fell into your lap right now, would you snap it up and run with it, or would you let it get away? Well, today is your lucky day. In SciTech, it’s easy for our members to get involved, rise to leadership roles, and connect with others who share similar interests. We give wings to those who have great ideas and the ability and drive to see them through. We are on the lookout for the next generation of leaders in our 28 committees focused on the hottest topics in science and technology law. One of those leaders could be you!

Law Student Member Opportunities:
All volunteer leadership opportunities are listed below. Don’t let this opportunity get away. Why settle for blending in, when you can stand out in SciTech?

  • Social Media Contributor (Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter - Post on designated site to highlight committee and Section programs, products, events, and relevant news)
  • E-Newsletter Editor (Compile original articles from authors; may highlight excerpt of SciTech book and/or The SciTech Lawyer)
  • Law School Liaison (Coordinate SciTech volunteers at respective school and promote ABA and SciTech membership and resources)
  • Legislation Reporter (Track and report on new legislation)
  • Liaison to another similar or related ABA committee (Coordinate joint projects and initiatives either within or outside of the Section)
  • International Coordinator (Work on / promote international aspects of respective committee's work)
  • Program Coordinator (Coordinate committee leadership brown bag topics, descriptions, and speakers for review)
  • Public Outreach (Identify outside groups the committee might reach out to, work with, do programs with, etc.)
  • Publishing Coordinator (Recruit authors from respective committee for SciTech publications such as The SciTech Lawyer, etc.)
  • Update Editor (Compiles a list of relevant links to news with a sentence summarizing each (may be referred to as a blurb)
  • Library Resource Contributor (Develop short introductions on discrete topics relevant to the committee)
  • Website Library Content Editor (Review, post, and facilitate the publication of articles)
  • Website Library Coordinator (Identify and update issues relevant to respective committee/Section

SciTech Committees

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Behavioral and Neuroscience Law
Big Data
Biotechnology Law
Cleantech and Climate Change|
Cloud Computing
E-Privacy Law
Food, Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals
Healthcare Technology
Homeland Security
Information Security
Medical Devices
Museums and the Arts Law
Nanotechnology Law
Open Source
Precision Medicine
Privacy and Computer Crime
Rights and Responsibilities of Scientists
Scientific Evidence
Space Law
Technical Standardization

To get involved, contact our staff

SciTech Career and Business Development Guide

Read SciTech's Career and Business Development Guide to get expert advice  and guidance from SciTech leaders on how to get jobs and move ahead in the field of Science & Technology Law!

SciTech Profile Book

It would be hard to identify any area of law, or life for that matter, that is not affected in some way by science or technology. Every day, another scientific or technological innovation comes along that challenges and changes the way things have traditionally been viewed and done.
During the Science & Technology Law Section 35th Celebration, we asked SciTech leaders how they came to join SciTech and created this profile book.