Letter from Joan Bullock, Chair-Elect
Dear SciTech Members,
The ABA Science & Technology Law Section (SciTech) Appointments Process for 2024-2025 is now open! We are seeking thoughtful and visionary individuals, passionate about emerging issues in science and technology law, to appoint to SciTech’s various board and committee service and leadership positions. Please consider submitting a nomination – self-nominations are welcome and encouraged.
Why SciTech? Active service engagement in SciTech is a great opportunity for our members to shape SciTech’s work in the coming years. SciTech is at the forefront of topics making daily headlines including artificial intelligence, privacy, cybersecurity, precision medicine, and the environment. We have 25 committees focusing on legal developments in a range of substantive areas. In addition, SciTech creates new groups and committees to address emerging topics as issues evolve. Engaging in SciTech’s substantive committees presents opportunities to collaborate with experts and thought leaders in diverse fields of law, science, and tech.
What do SciTech Leaders Do? Section leaders promote sound policy and public understanding of science, technology and the law while enhancing the professional development of our members. Our committees develop programs, publish on important legal topics, and contribute to Section policy statements. Other leaders represent SciTech in important work within the larger ABA. Leaders are also encouraged to facilitate group discussions and identify important issues for policy statements. Our website has more on the roles and expectations of Committee Chairs, Co-Chairs, and Vice Chairs
How Does The Appointments Process Work? The Chair-Elect appoints members to serve on SciTech’s various boards and committees from the submitted applications. By Annual Meeting (in August), appointments will be made for SciTech committee leadership positions (e.g., Chair, Co-Chair, and Vice-Chair), and for SciTech representatives to various entities within the ABA (Legal Task Forces, Commissions, and ABA Committees).
Please be aware that seeking an appointment for a particular position may be competitive. Every member seeking appointment must complete a nomination application, including those seeking re-nomination to a current leadership position.
What Are Next Steps? If you would like to be considered for an appointment to a committee, to a board, or as liaison to another ABA entity, including re-appointment to an entity on which you currently serve, please complete the appointment application form by Friday, April 19, 2024.
Are There Other Ways To Be Involved? Our member volunteers are the driving force behind everything we do, including producing our award-winning flagship publication (The SciTech Lawyer), a leading academic journal (Jurimetrics), cutting edge live and distance learning programs, and much more. Please visit the Section’s website for more details on the activities of each board or committee.
Thank you for being a SciTech member and for considering service and leadership opportunities during an exciting time of heightened relevance for the Section. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected].
Joan R. M. Bullock
Chair-Elect, ABA Science & Technology Law Section