These FAQs are intended to be a general discussion of common real estate issues, and are not intended to be taken as specific legal or accounting advice that applies to your individual fact situation. Many real estate issues are determined by laws that change from state to state. You are encouraged to talk to your lawyer and accountant to find the exact answers to the questions in your state based on your facts and circumstances. The FAQs are broken into three categories: issues with residential real estate, issues with commercial real estate, and glossary of real estate terms.
Real Estate Information & FAQs
Residential Real Estate FAQs
Learn about the common concerns and issues with residential real estate.
Commercial Real Estate FAQs
Learn about the common questions about commercial real estate and financing.
Exchanges Under Code Section 1031
An exchange is a real estate transaction in which a taxpayer sells real estate held for investment or for use in a trade or business and uses the funds to acquire replacement property.
Home Buying Video and Resource List
A Consumers guide to buying your first home, featuring Keys to My House recording and resource list.
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