What kind of articles are you looking for?
Articles with practical information of interest to lawyers practicing in the areas of real property, trusts, and estates. Topics vary from broad introductions helpful to lawyers working on a task or matter that is new to them, to advanced analyses of specific issues, to cutting-edge reports on new developments.
How long should my article be?
Approximately 1,500 to 5,000 words is the usual length of a feature article.
How do I submit an article for consideration?
Email a completed article in Word to Michael Sneeringer ([email protected] ) for estate or trust-related topics, or to Kathleen Law ([email protected]) for real estate-related topics.
Do I need to have my topic pre-approved before I write my submission?
Absolutely not required, but you are welcome to do so. Often we can provide feedback on whether we have recently published, or currently have in production, another article on the same or a similar topic and the likelihood that a submission on that topic would be accepted.