By applying modern law on undue influence, the article examines whether the will of King Edward VI—which briefly turned over the crown of England to Lady Jane Grey in 1553—would withstand scrutiny in…
The Grants Pass decision has implications for real estate professionals, as municipalities may be more inclined to enforce public camping ordinances, potentially affecting property values and leading…
Clients who fear their corpse will be defiled because of new alternatives for disposing of cadavers may wish to provide a designated survivor with a financial incentive to encourage the survivor to f…
Attorneys everywhere are asking: will AI replace lawyers? Practical options and insights about AI uses in law are offered and legal and ethical pitfalls identified to be wary of when incorporating A…
Thoughtfully incorporating GST exemption allocation strategies into an estate plan provides for tax-effective outcomes for families with multigenerational wealth.
The IRS often criticizes tiered discounts as “double counts” serving only to improperly lower value. The article explains the financial theory of tiered discounts and demonstrates when the discounts…
Land Use Update provides information on current topics of interest in the land use law area and takes a look at the Takings Clause and the Graham rule in this installment.
Lawyers need to figure out how to responsibly, ethically, and effectively integrate AI into their legal practices. A good place to start might be where lawyers generally struggle the most - their hea…