An overview of exclusive use clauses and radius restrictions in commercial leases is provided, including the purpose of such clauses, typical drafting, and considerations for landlords and tenants wh…
Practical considerations for estate planners dealing with environmental, social, governance investments are explored, along with best practices to determine what options are appropriate given an exis…
This article will explore different techniques that an attorney can use to fix common ailments facing irrevocable life insurance trusts and offers a checklist to avoid certain problems before they oc…
The article provides a brief introduction to the Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction found under IRC §179D and issues that should be taken into consideration when deciding whether this de…
An overview of qualified small business stock under section 1202 shows how shareholders can stack multiple capital gain exclusions and addresses how non-grantor trusts are the ultimate tool to protec…
Environmental Law Update provides information on current topics of interest in the environmental law area, specifically the Biden Administration’s recent environmental regulatory actions.
An update on recent land use cases is provided, including new rulings on the federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act and whether a growth management ordinance violated federal Fa…
The importance of client service in the legal profession is discussed using the analogy of waiting tables, written by a former waitress and current lawyer.