Managing Design
Design is the catalyst that brings planned mixed-use development to life. Managing design requires design controls that can shape development character. They can be adopted independently or included in the zoning ordinance. Design standards are one alternative. They are mandatory, objective, and quantitative, similar to site development and density requirements in zoning ordinances. Design standards can include fixed rules for design characteristics, such as building form and mass, but may limit design opportunities if they are too inflexible.
Design guidelines are another alternative that can be objective or subjective. Objective design guidelines control mandatory design features, such as building mass and form. They define design clearly but may be inflexible. Subjective design guidelines, such as a walkability requirement, are indeterminate, qualitative, and not measurable. They are administered through the normal development review process or by a board such as an architectural review board that reviews project designs to determine whether they comply with design guidelines. Problems may occur if ambiguous guidelines allow arbitrary decision-making, and the review and approval process may increase costs and cause delays if not properly managed.
The retail space design is an example of what design guidelines should include, as the proper design and configuration of retail space can determine whether a mixed-use development will succeed. Retail space must be compatible with a mix of complementary uses, vibrant and pedestrian-friendly, and experience-driven with active ground floor space. Design guidelines can address these issues with design criteria for site design, walkability, architectural expression, scale, physical form, and building mass.
For example, Castle Pines, Colorado, has design guidelines for mixed-use districts. City of Castle Pines, Colo., Mixed-Use Design Guidelines (2018). They include core design principles such as community character, balance, placemaking, pedestrian activity, and sustainability. They also include additional design details for each of the core design principles. Walkability is an example. It is an essential requirement for mixed-use development, and a design guideline for connectivity requires “providing pedestrian easements along building frontages where appropriate to provide a walkable network between building entries, public spaces, and adjacent buildings or developments.”
Zoning Alternatives
Zoning for Unplanned Mixed-Use Development
Several developers create this type of mixed-use development through separate, unrelated actions. It requires zoning by right that details uses, densities, and other land-use requirements for mixed-use development. Scale is important, and the zoning ordinance can include by-right mixed-use districts organized by size, such as a small neighborhood, a medium community, a regional development, and a major redevelopment mixed-use district. See Bloomington, Indiana, Unified Development Ordinance Ch. 20.04 (2021).
Design controls can be combined with zoning for unplanned mixed-use development. For example, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, has a model New Town Mixed Use District. Zoning requirements include land use, land-use mix, and dimensional standards. The design concept states it “is designed for places where compact, walkable, livable, and attractive development is appropriate.” The district defines key design elements, which include a wide variety and diverse mix of uses, pedestrian-friendly building design, unobtrusive parking, and appropriately scaled height. Design standards include general layout, building design, parking, and pedestrian design.
Design standards adopted from form-based codes are another possibility. They are a zoning innovation that expands the typical zoning ordinance with by-right design standards that include the relationship between building facades and the public realm, the form and mass of buildings in relation to one another, and the scale and types of streets and blocks. Mixed-use zoning can include design standards from form-based codes that can provide more control over the design of mixed-use developments.
A zoning strategy known as a floating zone can provide more flexibility for unplanned mixed-use zoning. A floating zone is a zoning district included in the text of the zoning ordinance but not mapped until a developer applies for the district and the local government maps it. Letting the zoning district float until it is mapped allows the local government to decide where it wants mixed-use development to be located and to include customized requirements that determine what kind of mixed-use development will be built.
Zoning for Planned Mixed-Use Development
This type of development requires detailed design controls and zoning that define critical project elements. The Dublin, Ohio, Bridge Street District is an example. It is a form-based code that implements the Bridge Street District Area Plan with detailed design guidelines for a densely developed, walkable, mixed-use planned development in a 1000-acre historic center. City of Dublin, Ohio, Code of Ordinances § 153.057–.066.
Planned Unit Development
A planned unit development (PUD), or planned community, is a land-use development for which a local government approves a development plan that controls the development of the PUD. The ordinance specifies what kind of PUDs the local government will approve. It should also define what must be included in the development plan, such as the objectives and character of the development, residential and nonresidential development standards, guidelines for walkability, public space, and architectural design, and a circulation plan.
Planned unit development is a good choice for mixed-use development because the development plan for a PUD can customize land use and design. The approval process, however, can cause uncertainty and delay if improperly managed, and approval criteria can cause arbitrary decision-making if they are too ambiguous. See New Perspectives on Planned Unit Development, 52 Real Prop. Tr. & Est. J. 230 (2017).
Zoning for mixed-use development requires a zoning choice that must be made from a variety of zoning alternatives. There is no standard metric that can identify a successful zoning model. Decisions must be made on how much to control the market, how much to control mixed-use development, and whether zoning should be by-right or require discretionary review.