The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 (BBA), Pub. L. No. 114-74, signed by President Obama on November 2, 2015, created a sea change in Social Security analysis and planning. The authors’ article, Social Security Retirement Benefit Options, in the November/December 2015 issue of Probate & Property, described pre-BBA Social Security claiming options. Except for limited grandfathering, most options are no longer available. This article summarizes the changes, who can still benefit from the strategies described in our previous article, and why Social Security planning is still an important part of retirement and estate planning for all clients.
Background to the Social Security Changes Included in the BBA
The inclusion of any changes to Social Security claiming options in the BBA was a surprise to almost everyone. Mary Beth Franklin, a Social Security expert and retirement planning columnist for Investment News, stated that she was shocked when she heard about the proposed changes. A former Capitol Hill reporter, she learned that the changes were the price extracted by the White House and congressional leadership for including provisions that addressed a Medicare premium increase faced by some Medicare recipients and preventing the Social Security Disability Income Trust Fund from running out of money in 2016.
Medicare premiums for 2016 were scheduled to jump by approximately 52% for the approximately 30% of Medicare beneficiaries who are not protected from an increase in Medicare premiums that exceeds the Social Security cost of living adjustment. The Social Security Disability Income Trust Fund was projected to run out of money to pay benefits in 2016. Previous shortfalls in that fund had been resolved by temporarily transferring money from the Social Security Retirement Trust Fund to the Disability Trust Fund, but this solution was being blocked by some in Congress who wanted other changes to the Social Security Disability Income program.
The President’s fiscal year 2015 and 2016 budgets proposed eliminating “aggressive [Social Security Administration] claiming strategies,” which the budgets stated were used primarily by those with higher incomes. These proposals were aimed at the file-and-suspend and file-and-restrict strategies discussed in our previous article. The 2016 Social Security Administration budget justified this proposal as a way to eliminate the opportunities to “manipulate” the file-and-suspend and file-and-restrict claiming options to maximize Delayed Retirement Credits (DRCs), “result[ing] in equitable treatment of all individuals, regardless of income.” SSA FY 2016 Budget Justification, Before enactment of the BBA, no legislation to make these changes was introduced nor were any public hearings of any kind held on the proposal.
The Social Security Administration Chief Actuary stated these changes are expected to have “essentially no cost effect through 2025, with cost reductions increasing thereafter.” The changes will reduce the long-range Social Security deficit by 0.02% of taxable payroll. Letter from Stephen C. Goss, Social Security Chief Actuary, to Speaker John Boehner, October 27, 2015.
Summary of the BBA Changes
Section 831 of the BBA made two major changes to Social Security claiming options. First, if a worker suspends his or her Social Security benefits, the benefits of all persons receiving Social Security benefits based on the worker’s record also are suspended. This change is effective for benefit suspension requests made at least 180 days after the November 2, 2015, BBA effective date. Social Security has announced that the deadline is April 29, 2016. After that date, a worker cannot file and suspend to allow his spouse to claim spousal benefits while earning DRCs on the worker’s own benefit.
Second, an individual who is at least full retirement age (FRA) can no longer restrict his Social Security application to only spousal benefits. Filing for Social Security benefits will result in Social Security paying the maximum benefit that the individual is entitled to receive, based on the individual’s own record and any spousal benefits the individual is entitled to receive. Individuals who file for Social Security benefits before FRA are currently subject to this rule. Survivor benefits are not considered in making this determination. A limited grandfathering provision allows individuals who are age 62 on or before December 31, 2015, to file and restrict his benefits to only spousal benefits after reaching FRA.
In addition, the BBA prevents an individual who files and suspends after April 29, 2016, from requesting a retroactive payment of the suspended Social Security benefits.
Effect of the BBA Changes
The good news for current Social Security beneficiaries is that none of the BBA changes is retroactive. These changes effectively divide individuals into four classes for Social Security purposes:
- Class I—individuals currently receiving Social Security benefits and surviving spouses;
- Class II—individuals who were age 66 by April 29, 2016;
- Class III—individuals who were age 62 by December 31, 2015; and
- Class IV—individuals who were not age 62 by December 31, 2015.
Individuals who do not qualify for Class I are divided into Class II, III, or IV, based on their ages. Because Social Security considers an individual to reach his next age on the day before his birthday, individuals born on April 30, 1950, are considered age 66 on April 29, 2016, and those born on January 1, 1954, are considered age 62 on December 31, 2015.
Class I—Individuals Currently Receiving Social Security Benefits and Surviving Spouses: No Effect
Individuals who have already filed for Social Security are not affected by the BBA changes, regardless of what filing strategy they used. These include individuals who filed and suspended or filed and restricted. Similarly, those Social Security recipients who are receiving benefits based on a worker who filed and suspended are not affected by the BBA changes.
Surviving spouses still have the same options they had before the BBA. They may file for survivor benefits as early as age 60 (age 50 if disabled) and later file for their own benefits or file for their own benefits as early as age 62 and later file for their survivor benefits. For a surviving spouse, it remains important to compare benefits available as a surviving spouse and benefits based on the spouse’s own record.