Keeping Up on Following-On
Discussion of the new follow-on opinions project jointly conducted by the opinions committees of the ABA Real Property, Trust and Estates Section, the American College of Mortgage Attorneys and the A…
Volume 8, Issue 1
Discussion of the new follow-on opinions project jointly conducted by the opinions committees of the ABA Real Property, Trust and Estates Section, the American College of Mortgage Attorneys and the A…
Model act that may have good and bad news for lawyers who are asked to issue an opinion on that state’s law to the effect that a mortgage is not required to be modified in a mortgage loan modificatio…
This article is intended as a primer on accepted expectations as well as points of contention that arise with respect to follow-on opinions.
This article identifies key issues to be considered in giving a follow-on opinion in a loan modification transaction.
This article suggests the needs for the legal opinion committees to draft a report dealing with follow-on opinions.
This article discusses recent Viriginia statutory enactments to make it easier to give follow-on opinions in connection with mortgage modifications.