Charles Menges updates his discussion in our previous issue of a bill that was introduced in Virginia to provide a “safe harbor” as to when an amendment to an existing mortgage is required.
Ken Jacobson reports on the 2021 Spring Meeting of the Working Group on Legal Opinions Foundation which was held over three days in May. Eight major topics were discussed.
Rob Krapf and Scott Willis discuss an opinion giver's duty to non-addressees, including additional lenders, successors, assignees, and delivery to, but not reliance by, rating agencies, courts, and a…
The WGLO committee, led by Frank Garcia, Phil Schwartz, and Bill Yemc, is preparing a report on Third-Party Closing Opinions of Local Counsel, with diverse participation from business and real estate…
Charles Menges shares highlights from the 2019 (third) survey of U.S. law firms on legal opinion practices conducted by a subcommittee of the Legal Opinions Committee of the Business Law Section.
Bill Dunn updates his articles from our previous two issues. He reports that a Steering Committee has been formed to consider updating the Real Estate Opinion Letter Guidelines…
A summary of the Business Law Section Legal Opinions Committee's community discussions reflects individual members' views on current practice topics, not the official views of the Committee.