Our Section is unique in that we are comprised of three divisions, real property, trust and estate, and joint. These divisions are broken down into high-level groups, and further broken down into issue-specific committees. Group activity provides much of the basis for our high quality educational programs and articles in our publications, Probate & Property Magazine, Real Property, Trust & Estate Journal, and the eREPORT the sections electronic newsletter. Some of our groups work on legislative issues on the national as well as the state level.
Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Groups & Committees
Our committees are responsible for providing resources, services, and education analysis for legal professionals.
Committee Finder
The Value of Joining a Group or Committee
Stay in the Know
Receive specialized content and participate in timely programs focused on your practice area.
Expand Your Network
Network with a community of attorneys in the field of real property, trust and estate law and thought leaders focused on your area of interest.
Raise Your Profile
Use our national stage and international audience to boost your—and your firm’s—name and recognition. Add published author or panelist to your list of accolades.
Committee Membership Benefits
ABA Communities
Connect with fellow committee members in these interactive online communities.
Section Content
Gain access to the Section's collection of practice-enhancing content including, eReport, Probate & Property, and the Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Journal.
Professors' Corner Monthly Webinar
Featuring a panel of law professors, discussing recent cases or issues of interest to real estate or trust and estate practitioners and scholars.
Group and Committee Conference Calls
Stay informed on the latest in real property, trust and estate law, with our members-only monthly calls.