Legal Research Tutorial: Finding Case Law Using Google Scholar
Robert Brammer and Barbara Bavis demonstrate how to use Google Scholar to locate case law
This free program focuses on the legal research services and resources available from the Law Library of Congress as well as addressing several other free online collections. Following a general overview of the Law Library and its services available to lawyers, librarians, and researchers around the world, the presentation explains the organization and content of, the Library of Congress's federal legislative information site containing the full texts of House and Senate bills and resolutions, the Congressional Record, and much more.
View - 2019 Power Point PresentationRobert Brammer and Barbara Bavis demonstrate how to use Google Scholar to locate case law
Learn about all the resources and services the Law Library of Congress has to offer, including social media sites, ask a librarian service, legal research links, news, events, classes and more.
Learn - MoreBarbara Bavis explains the multitude of often unique legal research resources at the Law Library of Congress, and Sheila Hollis elaborates on the tremendous value of the legal specialists and free materials, accessible online and in person.
The Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress supports the adoption of the Uniform Electronic Legal Material Act (UELMA), and the ABA adopted policy supporting UELMA in February 2012. The American Association of Law Libraries has published a UELMA Implementation Resources document to help state officials learn about what other states are doing on authentication, preservation, and permanent public access.
“When people say everything’s online,” says Jerry Dupont of the Law Library Microform Consortium, “they’re woefully uninformed.” Dupont, founder of the LLMC, a nonprofit law library cooperative, estimates that of the 2 million unique volumes contained in America’s law libraries, only about 15 percent are available in digital form. That figure includes access via proprietary, commercial services like Westlaw and LexisNexis.
The Law Library of Congress has launched a website on the United States Constitution. The site combines various items from the Law Library in one centralized location. Sections appear on Constitutional Interpretation, Executive Privilege, Military Tribunals, Presidential Inherent Powers, Presidential Signing Statements, Second Amendment, State Secrets Privilege, War Powers, War Powers Resolution, and Additional Constitutional Resources. For more information, please visit the Law Library of Congress website.
Learn - MoreUsers of the Library's research areas, including Computer Catalog Centers, and Copyright Office public service areas are each required to have a Reader Identification Card issued by the Library.
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