Arizona State Bar of Arizona v. Bermudez, Case No. CV2008-005959 (Arizona Superior Ct. (Maricopa County) 2009) (Final Order finding for the Plaintiff on a Motion for Summary Judgment)
California Mendoza v. Ruesga(Cal. Ct. App. 4th [San Diego County] 2008) (Judgment on Appeal). United States v. Sineneng-Smith(2011 WL 4830634 (N.D.Cal.)
United States v. Sineneng-Smith, No. CR-10-00414 RMW, 2011 WL 4830634 (N.D.Cal.) (holding that promising illegal aliens a path to legal permanent residency amounts to “encouragement” of illegal aliens to continue to reside in the United States). Reprinted from Westlaw with permission of Thomson Reuters. If you wish to check the currency of this case by using KeyCite on Westlaw, you may do so by visiting
District of Columbia Banks v. DCDCRA, 634 A.2d 433 (D.C. 1993) (holding terms "Administrative Advocate" and "expert" deceptive under consumer protection act; holding that UPL violations can form basis for consumer protection act violations)
Michigan Sandoval v. Ortiz,Stipulation and Order to Dismiss (2007) Gonzalez v. Rosales, Case No. 97-43-356 (Mich. Cir. Ct. [Van Buren County] 1997) (Complaint and Judgment) Rangal v. Ortiz, (dba Servicios Mundo Hispano), Complaint (2009)