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About Notario Fraud

Notarios are individuals who represent themselves as qualified to offer legal advice or services concerning immigration or other matters of law, who have no such qualification, routinely victimize members of immigration communities.

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Goals of the Project

To provide attorneys, and other individuals, with information on how to take action against notarios.

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Memo: Unauthorized Practice of Immigration Law

The ABA Commission on Immigration is deeply concerned about non-citizen consumers of immigration legal services being defrauded by non-attorney individuals who are not authorized or qualified to practice immigration law. This practice, often referred to as "unauthorized practice of immigration law" or "UPIL," has been a chronic problem for decades; it results in serious consequences including devastating financial loss and severe immigration ramifications such as deportation. The Commission is committed to educating the public regarding the legal process and upholding legal standards, ethics, and laws--federal, state, and local-- surrounding the practice of law.

Public Service Announcement

Tips to avoid immigration scams

Whether you are exploring options to obtain lawful status in the United States or preparing to appear in immigration court, please keep these important facts in mind to protect you and your family’s future.

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Sispann Fwod Notarya

Pwoteje tèt ou ak fanmi ou kont èskrokri imigrasyon. Kit ou ap chaché opsyon pou jwenn estati legal Ozetazini oswa si w’ap prepare pou parèt devan tribinal imigrasyon, tanpri sonje enfòmasyon enpòtan sa yo, pou ka pwoteje ou menm é avni fanmi ou.

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در اینجا چند نکته برای محافظت از خود و خانواده خود در برابر کلاهبرداری های مهاجرت آورده شده است.

Public Service Announcement in Dari: Important information about immigration cases in the United States

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Anuncio de Servicio Público: Eliminar el Fraude de Notario

Tenga en mente estas sugerencias para poder evitar estafas de inmigración. Esta orientación es importante tanto si está buscando la manera de obtener un estatus legal de inmigración o preparandose para comparecer ante en la corte de inmigración.

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په متحده ایالاتو کې د مهاجرت قضیو په اړه مهم معلومات.

Public Service Announcement in Pashto: Important information about immigration cases in the United States.

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Notario Fraud Issue featured in the ABA Journal

From the Fight Notario Fraud project head Tanisha Bowens-McCatty: “We really need attorneys that have experience in civil court, in criminal court or experience sort of walking through complex matters.”

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For Law Enforcement on Prosecuting Immigration Services Fraud

This program was designed for law enforcement on investigating and prosecuting immigration services fraud.

Archive: Notario Fraud in the News

Check out the latest on Notario Fraud cases and policies, and updates on the Fight Notario Fraud project.