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Pro Bono

What is it Like to Volunteer with the Commission on Immigration?

The Commission offers pro bono attorneys support through resources, on-demand trainings, and ongoing mentorship.  Pro bono attorneys report impactful and poignant experiences.


Impact on Clients

Watch the below video, “Tu Futuro, Tu Voz” to gain an understanding of the difference that pro bono representation makes for immigrant clients, in their court cases and beyond.

  • The Commission’s pro bono volunteers assist vulnerable immigrant populations. Whether you are helping on a limited- scope project or taking a full case for representation, you can make a difference.  Your help at a one-time Virtual TPS Clinic can help an immigrant family facing deportation feel a little safer and obtain work authorization. Your assistance in representing unaccompanied minor siblings in their immigration court hearings can directly result in the youths being able to stay in the United States, away from the harm they fear in home country.  
  • Our grateful pro bono clients have said the following about the impact their volunteer attorneys made in their cases:
    • “I felt so happy just to know I had a lawyer; it was like a liberation. I had been going in front of judges by myself, and it honestly felt like going to a war that I knew I was going to lose. I can’t read, and I didn’t know how to act in front of a judge to win my case.  My lawyer represented me so well.  She defended me in front of the judge and I would never have won in court without her.”
    •  “I would like to thank the ABA Immigration Justice Project in San Diego and all the organizations and people involved that helped me get [a pro bono] attorney.  Without their efforts I would not be a free man today and I would not be able to be with my children. Unrepresented people like me are truly blessed to have people like all of you providing services for us.  From the bottom of my heart, thank you!”
    •  “I’m really happy and grateful because I won my case, but on my own I would not have known how. Today, I am happy because I am free.”

Experiences from Past Pro Bono Attorneys

  • The Commission empowers our volunteers to represent clients who need assistance with their immigration matters.  Many of our volunteers are new to immigration law and do not have previous court experience.  Volunteers are provided with ongoing support and mentorship throughout their pro bono representation so that they have the skills and information needed to represent vulnerable clients confidently and effectively.   If you are interested in volunteering but hesitant because you do not have prior experience, please rest assured that our team is here to train and support you.  In addition, we offer a wide range of pro bono opportunities for volunteers who want to help without taking on a case for full representation.  Fill out a Volunteer Interest Survey for more information on available opportunities and the support the Commission would provide throughout your representation.   


  • Read about our pro bono success stories, including many stories from volunteers with no previous immigration experience, for first-hand accounts of the type of mentorship you will receive and the impact you can make.  Volunteer feedback includes:
    • “This was my first experience representing someone in court. . . . I was never overwhelmed, despite the gravity of what might happen to my client, because I had excellent mentorship.”  Read more here
    • “My mentor was completely available to me.  I sent a barrage of emails, but she never made me feel like a squeaky wheel. . . . There was an incredible amount of support, which made the process accessible to someone like me – who was as green as they come.”  Read more here.
    • “It is empowering to advocate for people who contribute to our country and who without a lawyer would not be able to win their cases. . . . It is so important to recognize that we have skills that others don’t.”  Read more here.


Pro Bono Trip to ProBar

Check out this video by our Pro Bono Counsel Stephanie Baez, highlighting the Commission on Immigration’s recent trip to Brownsville, Texas. Together with our colleagues at ABA South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project the Commission hosted a delegation of volunteers who provided legal services at the border.

Fill out our Volunteer Interest Survey to express an interest in volunteering, and read on to learn more!