Anti-Poverty Initiative
Collaborate to Advocate Initiative
Nearly 50 million Americans now live below the federal poverty line. Recent societal, economic, and political events have generated unprecedented public awareness of historic levels of income inequality, children in poverty, and disparate treatment and impacts of the law and justice systems on communities of color and populations that face other barriers and obstacles to justice. The Commission is identifying, promoting and implementing best practices for eliminating legal and justice system-related policies, practices and procedures that perpetuate or worsen the harmful effects of poverty and discrimination. Learn more here: Anti-Poverty Collaborate to Advocate One Pager
Anti-Poverty Toolkit
Toolkit for Communities Seeking to Develop and Operationalize Local Anti-Poverty Agendas: A Blueprint for Action
- Anti-Poverty Toolkit This toolkit was created in partnership with anti-poverty stakeholders across the nation whom the Commission convened at Anti-Poverty Roundtables. The toolkit does not purport to provide all the answers to eliminating poverty; rather, it serves as a humble compilation of best practices we've encountered thus far.
- Tips on Legislative Advocacy
Blueprints for Action:
1. Substandard and unaffordable housing and homelessness
2. Disproportionate involvement in criminal and civil justice systems
3. Food inadequacy
4. Inadequate healthcare and poor health outcomes
5. Inadequate education outcomes
6. Lack of opportunity for full employment at a living wage
7. Living through an unending and continuous cycle of crises
8. Lack of personal and physical safety
9. Stigma and lack of personal dignity
10. Isolation from community and political infrastructure
Alternatives to the Criminalization of Homelessness and Poverty
People of color are not only disproportionately affected by poverty, they're also disproportionately represented in the criminal justice system. Outstanding criminal charges (like trespassing, fines, fees, etc.) are often barriers to housing, employment and other vital resources. Homeless Courts resolve these barriers to stability through recognizing voluntary, individualized action to satisfy fines, fees, and case dismissal.
Homeless Court and Pre-Booking Diversion Resources