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Expanding and Enhancing the Homeless Court Model in California

In collaboration with the Judicial Council of California’s Center for Families, Children & the Courts


The California Work Group on Homelessness recommends the establishment and expansion of the homeless court model and encourages communities to work with the ABA to implement the model.

See the full report here!

The Project

This two-phase project will help replicate the homeless court model across California to help address the needs of families and youth interacting with the court system.

Phase One: Understanding Homeless Courts

What is homeless court?

A tool to incentivize treatment, help people off the street, and save money.

Enables clients to alter their trajectory through obtaining education, identification, benefits, and more.

Builds relationships across systems and removes legal barriers to stability.

A hand-up, not a hand-out.

View this educational video to learn more.

Phase Two: Personalized Technical Assistance

The Commission on Homelessness and Poverty provides free technical assistance, in-person or virtually, to help develop new homeless court programs and expand existing programs.


For free homeless court technical assistance and other questions, contact [email protected].

How Homeless Court Works

Learn more about the Judicial Council of California.

Learn more about homeless courts and the Commission's homeless court work.