Section 8 Low-Income Housing Voucher Recommendation
Commission on Homelessness and Poverty
Steering Committee on the Unmet Legal Needs of Children
Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law
Commission on Law and Aging
Section of Family Law
Forum on Affordable Housing and Community Development Law
Commission on Domestic Violence
Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defendants
Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service
Young Lawyers Division
Section of Tort Trial and Insurance Practice
Section of Individual Rights and Responsibilities
Resolved, That the American Bar Association opposes legislation to repeal the federal Section 8 low-income housing voucher program or similar legislative proposals that would eliminate the present funding structure based on actual costs for the number of vouchers used and replace it with a state-administered block grant system.
Further Resolved , That the American Bar Association urges state, local and territorial bar associations to work within their jurisdictions to promote a better understanding of the Section 8 low-income housing voucher program and to ensure fair administration and access to this program for those entitled to participate in the program.