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Homeless Youth Legal Network

 To increase legal services for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness domestically and abroad.

New Resource - Model State Statutes: Youth and Young Adult Homlessness

This free new resource is critical in guiding state and local level advocacy efforts on topics such as access to education, employment, vital documents, health, housing, and more.

Global Survey on Legal Services for Youth Experiencing Homelessness

Help us map existing legal services for youth experiencing homelessness around the globe by completing this survey. For more information or if you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

About the Network

The American Bar Association created the Homeless Youth Legal Network to increase legal services for youth and young adults experiencing homelessness. The Network provides information and fosters collaboration to help attorneys and other advocates address gaps in legal services, and improve outcomes for homeless youth and young adults—including those transitioning from the child welfare system and exiting the juvenile justice system. The Network’s focus includes civil legal matters, juvenile and criminal defense, and policy/systems change for minors as well as young adults through at least age 25.

Toolkit: Overcoming Legal and Policy Barriers

Every year, 4.2 million youth and young adults experience homelessness on their own - 700,000 are ages 13 to 17, and 3.5 million are young adults ages 18 to 25. Serving these young people and helping them avoid or quickly exit homelessness is critical and is often incredibly challenging due to their legal status as minors. The ABA Commission on Homelessness and Poverty and National Network for Youth have seen this issue repeatedly in our joint and separate work. This toolkit provides communities with a variety of resources related to preventing and addressing youth homelessness, advocacy strategies, and materials to address many other issues.

Important Resource Available

Educating Students Experiencing Homelessness (5th Ed.)

This revised edition addresses the federal educational mandates related to homeless students under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. The manual provides innovative strategies for educators and school administrators, state coordinators and policymakers, and advocates and attorneys to play a role in ensuring the education rights of children and youth experiencing homelessness.

Purchase - Here


This directory includes information that legal providers have shared with the ABA Homeless Youth Legal Network regarding the services they provide to youth experiencing or at risk for homelessness.

HYLN Directory Survey

If you believe your organization should be included in the HYLN Directory, please complete this survey.

Resource Library

HYLN has collected numerous resources from the ABA and other organizations related to the representation of youth experiencing homelessness. Please contact Kelly Russo (202-662-1699) if you have additional resources for consideration.

Join the Listserv

Email [email protected] to join the Homeless Youth Legal Network Listserv.

Join Us

We welcome you to join us. Lawyers working in government or legal/public service not-for-profit organizations engaged primarily in legal- or policy-based advocacy for low income persons qualify for reduced dues as members of the American Bar Association.

Donate to HYLN

Support youth experiencing homelessness and the attorneys and advocates serving them by advancing education, technical assistance, toolkits, and other resources.