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Get Involved

Support the Commission by engaging the legal community in your jurisdiction to promote model programs and best practices. Contact the Commission for free technical assistance.

Homeless Youth Legal Network

With at least one million youth in America on the streets and in shelters, the Commission is equipping lawyers with the tools needed to remove legal barriers to benefits, education, employment, housing, identification, treatment and services.

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Homeless Courts Initiative

The ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty is the only national provider of technical assistance and training for the implementation of Homeless Court Programs. Since 2001 when the ABA Commission first began its initiative to foster the replication of homeless courts, it has responded to nearly 1,200 technical assistance requests from communities across the nation and abroad. The Commission provides technical assistance and educational resources to communities via virtual and in-person trainings, organizes regional and national conferences, and develops educational resources and reports.

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Anti-Poverty Initiative

The Commission is identifying, promoting and implementing best practices for eliminating legal and justice system-related policies, practices and procedures, including those tainted by structural racialization and other forms of bias, that perpetuate or worsen the harmful effects of poverty and discrimination on individuals, families and households.

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Homeless and Low-Income Veterans Justice Initiative

Nearly 60,000 veterans experience homelessness on any given night , and roughly 1.4 million other veterans are considered at risk of homelessness. The Commission is fostering the development of Veterans Treatment Courts and pro bono legal services programs aimed at removing barriers to benefits, employment, housing, treatment and services for veterans.

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Fostering Stability in Aging

Welcome to Fostering Stability in Aging, a collaboration brought to you by the ABA Commission on Homelessness and Poverty and the ABA Commission on Law and Aging designed as a resource hub to equip attorneys and other advocates representing and/or supporting older adults at risk of poverty and homelessness.

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