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Past Events

The Commission has held or co-sponsored the following events.

2024 Events

(Canadian Observatory on Homelessness) The Unique Ways Legal Professionals Can Prevent Youth Homelessness (September 25, 2024)

Medical Debt: Strategies for Tackling A Growing "Epidemic" (July 24, 2024)

Cash Transfers for Young People: An Innovative Solution to Make Housing More Affordable and Prevent Homelessness (May 15, 2024)

Criminalizing Homelessness: Commentary and Debrief on the Supreme Court Argument in Grants Pass v. Johnson (May 7, 2024)

(PolicyLink) Fair Housing Futures: Fulfilling the Fair Housing Act's Promise through the AFFH Rule (April 29, 2024)

Addressing the Epidemic of Evictions – What Advocates Can Do on the Local, State, and National Levels (April 24, 2024)

(Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel) Representing Military Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Victims (April 19, 2024)

(Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) How Is This Still Happening? Examining the History of the Congregate Care and the Troubled Teen Industry (April 18, 2024)

Accessing Legal Services and Changing Laws to End Youth Homelessness (April 17-18, 2024)

(Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence) Write & Tell Live: Chanel Miller (April 16, 2024)

(Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice) The Obligation of Lawyers to Facilitate Effective Reentry (April 3, 2024)

(Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defense) Legal Aid in the Ether: Ethical Considerations for Remote Practice (March 27, 2024)

(Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice) How the Tax Code Can Help Renters (March 12, 2024)

(National Homelessness Law Center) Johnson v. Grants Pass Webinar (February 15, 2024)

(Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence) Safety, Community, & Gender-Based Violence (February 2, 2024)

Homeless Court 101 (February 2, 2024) 

(Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defense) Post-Pandemic Trends and Challenges in Housing and Eviction Cases: An Analysis by the Legal Services Corporation and the ABA (February 1, 2024)

(Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defense) Representing Clients with Diminished Capacity: Ethical Obligations and Best Practices (January 18, 2024)

2023 Events

(Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel) Consumer Financial Law for Military Members: Series 2 (November 8, 2023)

(Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel) Consumer Financial Law for Military Members: Series 1 (October 23, 2023)

Justice for Youth Summit: Model Statutes for Youth and Young Adult Homelessness (October 11, 2023)

(Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence) Trauma, Recovery, and Repair - A Conversation with Professor Judith Herman (August 21, 2023)

(Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice) Economic Justice Summit (March 30 - 31, 2023)

(Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence) Write & Tell Live with Author Sara Block (March 20, 2023)

(Board of Governors Profession, Public Service and Diversity Committee) Best Practices for Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (March 1, 2023).

2022 Events

(Standing Committee on Legal Assistance for Military Personnel) Professional Responsibility - Focusing on Military and Professional Clients (November 9, 2022)

2022 National Homeless Court Summit (September 12-13, 2022) 

(National Network for Youth) Overcoming Legal and Policy Barriers to Serving Minors Experiencing Homelessness (May 18, 2022)

2021 Events

(Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice) Ending Homelessness and Promoting Racial Equity Through the Human Right to Housing: What’s Happening On the Hill (November 2021)

(Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice)The Insurgent Origins of Critical Race Theory: Looking Backwards to Move Foreward (October 2021)

(Section of State and Local Government Law) Heirs Property 2021 National Institute (August 2021)

(Section of State and Local Government Law) Tribal Lending Law (August 2021)

(Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights and Responsibilities)Voting Rights: A Discussion on Legislation, Strategy and Developments in the Movement for Voting Justice (August 2021)

(Litigation Section) How Lawyers Can Advocate for Social, Economic, and Racial Justice & What It Means to Make Systemic Change (July 2021)

There's No Place Like Home: Affordable Housing and Ending Housing Insecurity in the United States (July 2021)

(Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) DD214 Corrections for LGBTQ+ Veterans: Discharge Upgrades, Records Corrections, and Name Changes  (June 2021)

(Section of State and Local Government Law) 2021 Resiliency Virtual Conference

(Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice) AAPI Heritage Month Webinar Series 2021

(Section of State and Local Government Law) Affordable Housing Webinar Series (January 2021)

2020 Events

Emerging Innovative Racial Equity Focused Initiatives for Youth: Spotlight on Los Angeles, CA  (December 2020)

(Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice) Webinar: Preparing for 2021 and Beyond: The Outlook for Public Interest Lawyers and Advocacy (12/15)

(Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice) Webinar: 2020 US Elections Aftermath: A Social Justice Policy Summit (12/9-12/10)  

Webinar: Emerging Innovative Racial Equity Focused Initiatives for Youth: Spotlight on Los Angeles, CA  (12/9) (View the recording here)

(Section of Real Property, Trust and Estate Law) Webinar: Eviction Crisis 2020: Past, Present, and Future (12/9)

(Forum on Affordable Housing and Community Development) Webinar: The Color of Law: A Forgotten History of How Our Government Segregated America (11/17)

(Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice) Webinar: Ensuring Access to the Polls: How Lawyers Can Help (10/20)

(Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice) Webinar: Obstacles at Every Turn — Native Vote in a World of Coronavirus (10/1)

(Family Law Section) Webinar: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Litigating Custody Cases Involving Domestic Violence (9/16) 

(Standing Committee on Legal Aid and Indigent Defense) CLE Webinar: What Will the Next 100 Years Hold for Access to Justice? The Future of Civil Legal Aid and Public Defense in America (7/29)

Coronavirus Programming:

(Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice) (CLE) Census 2020: What Lawyers With Inquiring Clients Should Know About Confidentiality and Other Issues (3/10)

HYLN Community Roundtable on Increasing Access to Legal Services for Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Central Texas (2/14, Austin, TX)

'Defending Liberty, Pursuing Justice' Summit-Plenary at the 2020 ABA Midyear Meeting in Austin, Texas (2/14) (View the VIDEO below ft. Austin Mayor Steve Adler)

2019 Events

HYLN Community Roundtable on Increasing Access to Legal Services for Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Northern Virginia (11/15, Fairfax, VA)

NAEHCY (National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth) 2019 Conference (November 2-5)

(Section of State and Local Government Law) (ON-DEMAND CLE) The Demise of Single-Family Zoning and other Legal Strategies for Addressing Affordable Housing (10/11, Minneapolis, MN)

(WEBINAR) Unaccompanied Youth: A Vulnerable Population (9/27) ft. Commission Director Kelly Russo and Commissioner Michael Santos

ABA Annual Meeting, August, San Francisco, CA

Homeless Court at Stand Down (June 28-29, San Diego, California)

FREE CLE: Addressing the Legal Needs of Students Experiencing Homelessness (6/20)

Michigan Spring Meeting (June)

  • Functional Sentencing Forum (6/4, Troy, MI)
  • Homeless Court Community Forum (6/3, Flint, MI)
  • Homeless Youth Legal Network Community Roundtable (6/3, Detroit, MI)

Equal Justice Conference (May 9-11, Louisville, KY)

Montgomery County, Maryland, Community Forum: Alternatives to the Criminalization of Homelessness (4/26, Rockville, MD)

WEBINAR: Removing Barriers for Youth Experiencing Homelessness

National Summit on Youth Homelessness (March 18-19)

WEBINAR: UN General Comment 31 on Children in Street Situations, 2/28

WEBINAR: Educating Students Experiencing Homelessness, 2/13

Homeless Youth Learning Exchange: Improving Outcomes by Removing Legal Barriers in Southern Nevada, 1/25

2018 Events

Homeless Court Summit, 11/13 (San Diego, CA)

FYSB National Runaway and Homeless Youth Grantees Training, 11/1

How to Identify & Remove Legal Barriers: Practical Strategies for Providers, National Network for Youth (March)

Preventing Homelessness for System-Involved Youth

Providing Wrap-Around Services to Homeless Families

2017 Events

Class-Crits Annual Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana (November)

2017 National Coalition for Homeless Veterans Conference: Yes, In My Backyard

International Summit on the Legal Needs of Street Youth (São Paulo, Brazil)

  • Group A2 Topics: Education; Comprehensive child welfare system; Access to information and privacy; Criminal justice system
  • Group B2 Topics: Non-discrimination based on social origin, property, birth/ other status (Traducción al español de los principios); Non-discrimination of LGBT youth; Children with disabilities (including those from trauma); De-stigmatize homelessness/changing the story
  • Group A3 Topics: Right to peaceful assembly (Tradução em português dos Princípios); Right to be heard and to expression (Traducción al español de los principios); Structural discrimination; Right to family (re-connection to family)
  • Group B3 Topics: Trafficking (sex and labor); Prevention from entering the street; Employment; Children and youth participation in the implementation of the comment; Access to justice
  • Group A4 Topics: Child rights approach as opposed to child protection (Tradução em português dos Princípios); Systems that discharge children and youth to homelessness; Gender, and factors underlying girls' development of street connections; Police (police sweeps, specialized training for the police)

2016 Events

ABA Annual Meeting (August, San Francisco)

Military Veterans Legal Services Network Summit (June 23-24, Washington, D.C.) ARTICLE

Collaborate to Advocate: Lawyers and Communities Working to End Poverty:

Homeless Court Program: Taking the Court to the Streets (2/19, Seattle, WA)

National Coalition for Homeless Veterans Legal Track

2015 Events

Promoting the Human Right to Food: Utilizing International Law Concepts and ABA Policy to Support State and Local Advocacy Efforts (11/18)

NLADA Annual Conference  Teamwork Matters: A Holistic Approach to Provide Legal Services to People who are Homeless New Orleans, LA, 11/5

ABA Annual Meeting, July, Chicago, Illinois

International Summit on the Legal Needs of Street Youth
(June 16-17, London, UK)

Collaborate to Advocate: Lawyers and Communities Working to End Poverty:

ABA Mid-Year Meeting, February, Houston, Texas: Eliminating Debt and Combatting Poverty: How to Effectively Address Consumer and Tax Debt, Child Support Arrearages and Court-Imposed Legal Financial Obligations (Materials) (Debtors Prisons) (2/6)

2014 Events

Veterans Child Support Initiative Summit (Nov. 20-21) 

Fighting Hunger in Maryland: From the Ground Up 4th Annual Conference

2014 Annual Meeting, August, Washington, D.C.

The War on Poverty: Is Every Lawyer a Soldier, or Are We Tilting at Windmills? July 28, 2014 • Washington, DC

Homeless Court at Stand Down: A Collaborative Effort to Assist Homeless Veterans, Strengthen Communities and Maximize Court Resources July 18-20 • San Diego, CA

Webinar: Social Security Retirement Strategies: Helping Your Clients Maximize Benefits (6/18) 

(6/6, Baltimore, MD): 6th Annual Veterans' Legal Assistance Conference and Training: An Opportunity to Serve Those Who Served Our Country

2014 National Coalition for Homeless Veterans Annual Conference: Bridging the Gap: May 28-30, Washington, DC

American Psychological Association-ABA National Conference (May 1-3, Washington, D.C.)

On Confronting Family and Community Violence:  The Role of Safe and Stable Housing in Preventing Exposure to Violence for Unaccompanied Youth

Ending the Criminalization of Homelessness: The Role of Courts, Lawyers and Advocates (Video)

CLE: (4/25,  San Francisco, CA)--In partnership with the California Administrative Office of the Courts and Center for Court Innovation. [Video]

War on Poverty Film Program: Film Screening and Panel Discussion, Inequality for All (3/24, Georgetown Law Center) [Video]

ABA Midyear Meeting, February 5-11, Chicago, Illinois

2014 Courts Summit (Agenda • Video

2013 Events

ABA Annual Meeting, August 8-13, San Francisco, California 

ABA Midyear Meeting, February 6-12, Dallas, Texas

2012 Events

ABA Annual Meeting, August 2-7, Chicago, Illinois

Homeless Court at Stand Down, July 13-15, San Diego, CA

ABA Midyear Meeting, February 1-7, New Orleans, Louisiana

2011 Events

ABA Annual Meeting, August 4-6, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

ABA Midyear Meeting, February 9-14, Atlanta, Georgia: What is Worth Billions of Dollars, but is Worthless? Heir Property in America, and the Loss of African-American Land

2009 Events

Preventing Foreclosure: A Win-Win Solution for Everyone July 31, 2009, Chicago, Illinois

Homeless Court Training, July 17, 2009, San Diego, California, ft. Hon. Dennis Archer, ABA President (2003-2004); Mayor of Detroit, MI, 1994-2001