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Recent Policy

Policy sponsored or cosponsored by the Commission on Homelessness and Poverty, or on relevant topics and adopted by the ABA House of Delegates:

  • Res. 607, on not broadening involuntary civil commitment criteria to address homelessness (August 2024)
  • Res. 507, on using the tax code to support renters (August 2023)
  • Res. 604, on preventing youth homelessness (February 2022)
    • Read coverage from the ABA Journal here.    
  • Res. 612 Adopting Ten Guidelines for Residential Eviction Laws (February 2022)
  • Res. 608, in support of a living wage (August 2021)
  • Res. 607, Homeless Court Principles (August 2021)
  • Res. 10H, on prevention of an eviction crisis, housing insecurity, and destablization of the housing market, and encouraging mitigation of long-term consequences of eviction (August 2020)
  • Res. 115H,  urging legislation recognizing and promoting the human right to a basic income (August 2019)

For more information or for a copy of any of the resolutions on this page, contact Kelly Russo at [email protected].

*Each of these policy positions was approved by the ABA House of Delegates. For a master list of current ABA policy by topic, visit ABA Governmental Affairs Office

ABA Advocacy

Commission White Papers

No Such Place As "Away:" Why Banishment Is A Wrong Turn on the Path to Better and Safer Cities
(February 2010) 

Children & Youth




Domestic Violence

Equal Access


  • FOIA and HHS re. Medicare and Medicaid (1989)
  • FOIA (1984)
  • FOIA (1982)
  • FOIA (1974)

Health Care



Native Americans


Pro Bono & Legal Services

Programs & Benefits
