Election Political Reforms to Combat Extremism Richard H. Pildes This Working Paper identifies and discusses a variety of institutionally focused ideas to reduce extremism in American politics.
Election Increasing Trust in Our Elections Edward B. Foley This Working Paper identifies and discusses a variety of ideas for steps to strengthen American democracy by increasing trust in our elections and our election processes.
Election The State of Civics Education in the General Populace Robert A. Kelly It has long been recognized that having voters with a general knowledge and understanding of how our political system works, commonly referred to as civics, enhances and improves the functioning of our system.
Election Deepfakes and American Elections N. David Bleisch Innovation is a double-edged sword. This is poignantly exemplified by the digital phenomenon known as “deepfakes.”
Election Addressing Baseless Election Related Lawsuits N. David Bleisch Following the 2020 presidential election, a deluge of lawsuits was filed challenging the outcome of that election.
Election Improving Participation in Democratic Processes Robert A. Kelly It is axiomatic that voter participation in our democratic processes is one of the keys to the health of such processes.
Election Reinvigorating American Democracy – A Youth Perspective Katherine Moss and Nisha Lee The United Nations consolidated a list of fundamental requirements for a democracy. So perhaps a starting point for defining American Democracy is to go through each requirement in the UN’s list.
Election Improving Access to Voting Jack Young & Jason Kaune This Working paper considers current challenges that limit registered voters’ access to the ballot and suggests proposed solutions based on policy adopted by the ABA cumulatively since the 2000 election.
Election The State of Democracy Education in Law Schools Jacob Williams and Sydney Grell Democracy plays an indispensable role within the context of law school education by emphasizing its multifaceted influence on fostering critical legal thinking.
Election Keeping the Administration of Our Elections from Becoming Politicized Edward B. Foley This Working Paper identifies and discusses a variety of ideas for steps to keep the administration of our elections from becoming politicized.
Election Decreasing the Political Polarization of the American Public Edward B. Foley This Working Paper identifies and discusses a variety of institutionally focused ideas to reduce extremism in American politics.
Election Addressing Negative Partisanship with Mobile Voting Jocelyn Bucaro This Working Paper discusses the political incentives fueling the rise of negative partisanship and political dysfunction, and how we can change them.
Election Reviving the American Tradition of Fusion Voting Lee Drutman, Tabatha Abu El-Haj, and Beau Tremitiere This Working Paper identifies the factors that are undermining the health and stability of U.S. democracy and discusses how lifting unconstitutional state restrictions to fusion alliances might lower the temperature of politics and engage voters.
Election Proportional Representation Ruth Greenwood, Drew Penrose, and Deborah Apau This Working Paper addresses the ways that winner-take-all elections harm our politics, prevent meaningful representation for certain communities, and threaten our democracy