How does the Rule of Law Relate to American Democracy?
The Rule of Law is a foundational principle of American Democracy and plays a critical role in ensuring the democracy functions properly. The rule of law grants authority to the government to operate and restricts that authority to protect citizens from arbitrary exercise of power. The rule of law ensures that both citizens and government are beholden to the laws of the country; or in other words, “no one is above the law.” The laws establish and safeguard the structures of society wherein citizens have a meaningful voice in shaping and enacting the rules that govern them. Many scholars and groups dedicated to democracy theorize that democracy cannot exist without the rule of law.
How does the Rule of Law in the United States hold up when compared to other countries? The World Justice Project evaluates the Rule of Law in 140 different countries and, in its 2023 index, the U.S. ranks 26th. The WJP looks across eight factors and 44 subfactors in order to come up with scores and rankings: