Working Papers – A collection of papers authored by respected authors analyzing the issues facing our democracy and proposing solutions. Topics include Increasing Trust in Our Elections, Political Reforms to Combat Extremism, Keeping the Administration of Our Elections from Becoming Politized, and Decreasing the Political Polarization of the American Public.
Background Papers – A collection of papers giving background on a variety of topics, including Why Democracy and How Does the First Amendment Right of Free Speech Intersect with Democracy?
The Democracy Database – A synopsis of and links to a host of law review articles, op-eds, commission reports and scholarly articles on democracy, improving trust in our elections, decreasing political polarization, improving the voting experience and related topics.
Knight Election Law Forum - Knight Foundation and the ABA are working together to host the Knight Election Law Forums, a virtual series aimed at equipping journalists with essential, nonpartisan, fact-based knowledge on election law to better inform their communities.
Toolkits – Toolkits to help you promote democracy in your community by holding a listening tour or forming a group of fellow lawyers to support democracy.
Speaker Guides/Discussion Guides – A collection of guides to help you give talks or hold discussions on the rule of law, what lawyers can do to defend democracy, facts on our elections and how to improve civic dialogue in your community.