The Center for Public Interest Law is not able to help people with specific legal problems or cases.
If you seek assistance with a legal problem, please consider contacting your state or local bar association. Many state bar associations have directories that enable you to locate a lawyer. Click here to find your state. You can also visit to find free legal help or hire a lawyer. The site provides tools to find legal aid, pro bono lawyers, free legal answers and other resources. If you are a veteran, a list of pro bono resources by state can be found here.
If you would like to file an ethics complaint, an agency in each state is responsible for investigating complaints about lawyers. Click here to find your state’s agency. Note: Lawyer discipline agencies cannot help you recover fees you have paid the lawyer, or make the lawyer pay you for a loss you have suffered because the lawyer made mistakes in handling your case.
If you are an ABA Member who is interested in sharing your expertise and getting involved with one of the CPIL entities, do not hestitate to contact our staff at the emails below.