Upcoming webinars are posted on our home page. Recordings of previous Center webinars are listed below:
National Webinar on the Recent Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Foster Care Legal Representation
Nov. 14, 2023. Hosted by the Family Justice Initiative, this webinar reviews the September 27th Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Foster Care Legal Representation. Panelists from across the country explain how this rule will support prevention and multidisciplinary programs and improve quality legal representation for families in prevention and post-petition cases. They also offer guidance on how to comment and respond to the NPRM.
Quality Improvement Center for Family-Centered Reunification: How to Improve Services and Speed Reunification for Families
June 29, 2023. The QIC-R is a federally supported program working with implementation sites to improve reunification practices across the country. This webinar provides an overview of the QIC-R and implementation sites located in Ohio, Kentucky, Montana, and New York. These QIC-R sites are implementing and evaluating interventions designed to improve services for families and decrease the timeframe of reunification for families involved in child welfare
What Child Welfare Agencies Can Do to Support Reunification
June 7, 2023. The relationship between resource/foster caregivers and parents whose children are in foster care can be one of the most impactful connections to supporting reunification. Resource caregivers play a critical role in supporting family time and maintaining children’s connections to family. This webinar explores the role of child welfare agencies in supporting the connection between resource/foster caregivers and parents whose children are in foster care. It offers concrete ways child welfare agencies can be a partner in supporting reunification through this relationship and other practices.
Experiences in the Reunification Process
April 18, 2023. In this webinar, panelists share their experiences as parents, foster parents, and permanency workers and strategies to empower families and resolve barriers to reunification. Participants will learn how the Plummer Youth Promise national training and consulting team supports organizations to learn the skills and practices that lead to reunification and permanency.
Building Parent Leadership and Power to Support Faster, Lasting Reunification and Prevent System Involvement
June 22, 2022. The webinar, hosted by Rise, a NYC advocacy organization, introduces the Rise CORE Program, which equips parent advocates to help parents navigate the system and give them with skills, tools, and resources to reunify quickly and avoid re-entering the system.
Supporting Families through Reunification and Beyond
June 9, 2022. This webinar explores four key areas that support successful and lasting reunification: Family Team Meetings (Building a Team); Conditions for Return; Discharge Planning/Post-Reunification Supports; and Case Worker/Family Relationships.
Louisiana Child Welfare Panel
April 8, 2021. This panel provides Louisiana law students insight into the day-to-day practice of child welfare proceedings.
Working with Immigrant Families Involved in the State Child Welfare System: The Child Welfare Agency’s Role
April 1, 2021. This webinar for attorneys who represent child welfare agencies or the state explored how to address the specific immigration needs of youth in foster care.
All in for Reunification 2021
March 25, 2021. A webinar for foster care managers about Reunification Month to get them interested in honoring families in their states, and professionals who assisted them, throughout the year. This year's theme is "All in for Reunification 2021" and the goal is for every state to participate this year.
Achieving the Family First Act’s Goals: A New Implementation Tool
March 3, 2021. This webinar explored how to use "The Family First Prevention Services Act of 2018: A Guide for the Legal Community" to achieve the Act’s main goals of promoting family stability, reducing foster care entries and lengths of stay, and facilitating reunification and kinship placements. PowerPoint Slides
Lightness in the Dark: Success Stories from Interdisciplinary Legal Defense Teams
February 22, 2021. Parents who have been represented by interdisciplinary legal teams have seen successes this year. This webinar highlights the role these teams have played in supporting families through their darkest days. This is the fifth in a year-long webinar series focused on interdisciplinary legal representation for parents in the child welfare system.
Grandfamilies and Kinship Care Provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021
February 9, 2021. A 60-minute webinar highlighting the grandfamilies and kinship care provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, some of the most significant being those providing additional federal funds for kinship navigator programs. Generations United staff are joined by experts from the Children’s Defense Fund and the American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law to provide an overview of new federal investments in kinship navigator programs, grandfamilies housing, and relevant child welfare programs that can help grandfamilies.
- Webinar Recording
- Power Point Slides
- Generations United's Brief Summary of the Kinship Provisions of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021
Trauma Exposure for Attorneys
December 16, 2020. Presenters discussed how to identify and address trauma exposure responses, including practical steps legal organizations and attorneys can take to mitigate the impact of trauma, so attorneys are able to provide high-quality legal representation and be the best advocates for their clients.
Building Partnerships Between Parents and Caregivers: A Community-Based Multidisciplinary Approach to Strengthening Families
December 1, 2020. In this webinar, Birth Parent National Network leaders and lawyers who work as part of interdisciplinary legal representation teams shared:
- new Birth and Foster Parent Partnership Tools,
- the importance of parents and caregivers working together to achieve positive outcomes for children, and
- how the legal team can support the relationships between parents and caregivers.
Prepetition Legal Representation
September 23, 2020. This Family Justice Initiative webinar explores prepetition legal representation for parents and youth in the child welfare system. Presenters discussed prepetition representation programs, including funding, getting started, relationship with the child welfare agency as a referral source, best practices and outcomes.
A Conversation about the Manifestation of White Supremacy in the Institution of Child Welfare, Level 2
September 16, 2020. This webinar focused on the impact of racism and white supremacy in child welfare policies and practices. Speakers explored who holds power in child welfare practice, office culture, hierarchy within organizations, representation versus tokenism and “civility,” and the role of the community and how stakeholders must hold each other accountable for race equity to occur. Practice tips and tools were offered.
Money Matters How Funding Changes Affect Legal Representation Quality for Children and Parents
August 31, 2020. This webinar highlights findings from the ABA Center on Children and the Law's assessment of the impact of funding changes on child welfare legal representation quality in California. It shares the practical implications of the findings and guidance for advocating for greater investments in child and parent counsel in communities. Related resources.
A Conversation about the Manifestation of White Supremacy in the Institution of Child Welfare, Level 1
July 15, 2020. Speakers from across the country discussed the impact of racism and white supremacy in child welfare policies and practices. The panel defined terms, provided historical context for the systemic destabilization of families, and laid the framework for a second level of continued discussion about what child welfare advocates can do to contribute to true community and family well-being and success.