Children New Territory: Bringing Trial Skills Training to the Gila River Indian Community Claire Chiamulera This Q&A takes an inside look at how the ABA brought its child welfare trial skills training to the Gila River Indian Community.
Children Family Drug Court Helps Families Reunify, Saves Money Claire Chiamulera A family drug court in Baltimore, MD is helping families struggling with substance abuse turn the corner. This new study found parents in the program were more likely to complete substance abuse treatment and reunify with their childeren.
Children New Study Tracks Serious Physical Abuse among Hospitalized Children Claire Chiamulera Serious injuries requiring hospitalization due to child abuse and neglect are highest among children age one year and younger, a new study finds.
Children Removal of Child from Relatives Due to Immigration Status Overturned The Washington Court of Appeals overturned an order removing a child from her grandparents’ home because of allegations that they were undocumented immigrants. Given the many years the grandparents had lived in the U.S., the trial court’s concerns about the possible instability of the placement were not strong enough to warrant the child’s removal given the strong bonds to her family.
Children Children Not Dependent Due to Mother’s Cognitive Limitations The Oregon Court of Appeals overturned a juvenile’s court’s dependency order because the record did not reflect a serious threat of harm. Though it was not disputed that mother had cognitive limitations that posed potential safety risks, she lived with a supportive couple, and nothing in statute or case law required her to parent independently.