Children Partner-Controlling Behaviors Linked to Relationship Violence Having a significant other who exhibits controlling behaviors appears to be associated with increased physical and sexual relationship violence.
Children Babies and Toddlers Can Suffer Mental Illness, Seldom Get Treatment Infants and toddlers can suffer serious mental health disorders, yet they are unlikely to receive treatment that could prevent lasting developmental problems.
Children Foster Care and Permanence Council of State Governments Justice Center Nearly 30,000 children, or approximately six percent of all children entering foster care, entered the system due to parental incarceration Nearly 30,000 children, or approximately 6% of all children entering foster care, entered the system due to parental incarceration in 2003.1 These children need support and services to address their needs.
Children Ethical Consideration: Model Rule 1.3—Diligent Representation Candice L. Maze and Jennifer L. Renne ABA Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.3 requires that lawyers participate fully in the court process and provide diligent representation.
Children Maryland Child Welfare Agency Had Statutory Power to Investigate Suspected Abuse of Nonresident Child A Maryland child welfare agency had a statutory duty to investigate a report of suspected abuse of a four-year-old girl alleged to have occurred in Maryland, even though the girl was a Virginia resident.
Children Foster Parents Have Right to be Heard at Permanency Hearing Foster parents who had cared for child for 22 months and had expressed desire to adopt should have been given an opportunity to attend and participate in child’s permanency hearing.