Children The Impact of Trauma on the Attorney-Client Relationship National Child Traumatic Stress Network, Justice Consortium Attorney Workgroup Subcommittee As the child’s attorney, understanding trauma’s impact on behavior can help you modify your approach with traumatized clients and prepare clients for court proceedings.
Children Tennessee Court Supports Infants in the Child Welfare System Sara Schleicher A new court in Davidson County, Tennessee is keeping a close eye over babies who enter the child welfare system. Judge Melinda Rigsby shares how the court works to safeguard babies and families.
Children National Report Finds Solitary Confinement Harms Youth and is Unevenly Applied A new Juvenile Law Center report finds widespread solitary confinement of youth harms youth and has a disproportionate impact on youth of color, LGBT youth, and youth with disabilities.
Children Tip Sheet for Supporting Family Reunification Dana Leader Foster parents are key to helping children reunify with their families. Hear foster parents' insights on ways to foster families can best support safe reunification.
Children The Growing Use of State Child Welfare Report Cards: What Attorneys Should Know Daniel Pollack and Cameron R. Getto State child welfare report cards are becoming more common. Learn their benefits and limitations, how they're being used in court, and tips for using them well.
Children ABA Enacts Standards for Dual-System Youth Linda Britton A new ABA Resolution aims to improve the handling of youth who are dually involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
Children ABA Endorses Blueprints for Change The ABA approved Resolution 117C endorsing two frameworks for promoting school success for children in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.
Children District Court Dismisses Claim that ICWA Provisions and Accompanying Guidelines are Unconstitutional Emily Peeler A class action was filed on behalf of all off-reservation Arizona children with Indian ancestry and all off-reservation Arizona foster, preadoptive, and prospective adoptive parents in child custody proceedings involving children with Indian ancestry challenging certain provisions of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and the 2015 Guidelines. The claim alleged several constitutional violations including equal protection and due process violations of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments. The court found the parties lacked standing because the complaint did not allege facts showing a concrete and particularized injury that was actual or imminent and fairly traceable to alleged violations.
Children Reasonable Efforts Tailored to Mother’s Intellectual Disability Required before Terminating Parental Rights Emily Peeler The Connecticut Supreme Court, using statutory interpretation, held Commissioner of Children and Families is not authorized to vaccinate child placed temporarily in state custody over objection of child’s parents. Court examined statute’s use of “medical treatment” and concluded statute did not intend to authorize preventive medicine, including vaccines.