Training and Technical Assistance
The project provides on and offsite training and technical assistance.
May 11, 2023 – May 12, 2023: The conference focuses on the importance of interdisciplinary representation recognizing that parents with lived experience and social workers are important members of the family defense team and are necessary components of strong legal defense.
Learn more - Conference DetailsThe National Alliance for Parent Representation hosted a virtual convening on May 20-21, 2021. Two half-day sessions were dedicated to advocating for parents in the child welfare system. Videotaped presentations are available at the link.
In this December 1, 2020 webinar, Birth Parent National Network leaders and lawyers who work as part of interdisciplinary legal representation teams share new Birth and Foster Parent Partnership Tools, the importance of parents and caregivers working together to achieve positive outcomes for children, and how the legal team can support the relationships between parents and caregivers.
The National Alliance on Parent Representation, responding to national attention on racial justice issues, hosted two virtual events designed to engage the legal and child welfare communities in a conversation about white supremacy in the institution of child welfare. This page shares video recordings and related resources from those events.
Join the - conversationIn this webinar for New Jersey parent advocates, Kathleen Creamer, April Lee, and Saadiqa Kumanyika from Community Legal Services in Philadelphia share advocacy challenges during the pandemic and strategies for addressing them on a systemic level and in individual client cases.
Watch the - webinarOn May 21, 2020, the National Alliance for Parent Representation hosted the webinar "Interdisciplinary Parent Representation: Bringing Hope to Families During the Pandemic and Beyond." A recording of the webinar is now available.
Watch the - webinarCelebrated in June, National Reunification Month recognizes the people and efforts around the country that help families to stay together.
ABA staff and a National Steering Committee bring extensive knowledge and expertise to the National Alliance's parent representation work.