Introducing JCAMP: A New Tool to Measure Your Court Performance
This alert highlights how judges can use the Judicial, Court, and Attorney Measures of Performance (JCAMP), a new tool for measuring court practices and performance in child welfare dependency courts.
Download - Introducing JCAMPJudges' Roles in Supporting Youth-Centered Permanency
This judge’s action alert highlights how legal permanency options for youth are changing to be more youth-centered, and explains how judges can support youth-centered legal permanency by partnering with youth and meaningfully engaging them in placement decisions.
Download - youth-centered permanencyHow Judges Can Support Family Reunification through Parent–Resource Parent Partnerships
This alert highlights how parent–resource parent partnerships support family reunification. It explores key elements of successful parent–resource parent partnerships, how parent partners bridge the gap between parents and resource parents, how judges can support these partnerships; and practical resources to help you understand and implement this approach.
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