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Course Materials

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Table of Contents & Presenter Biographies

Session A

Changing the Narrative: Telling the Real Story of Families

Trauma and Parental Engagement

Successful Outcomes for Clients with Family & Criminal Court Proceedings

State Central Registers

Game of Thrones

SKILLS: Cross Examining Child Witnesses in Sex Abuse Cases

DISCUSSION: Parent Advocates as Leaders and Managers

Session B

Family Poverty Is Not Neglect

Think Different: Persuading Judges Using the Psychology of Advertising

In Search of a Silver Bullet: Predictive Analytics

Special Considerations for Representing Noncitizen Parents

Ensuring Reasonable Efforts for Parents with Substance

Use Disorders

SKILLS: Effective Advocacy and Trial Preparation in Cases

Requiring Expert Testimony


Session C

Trauma Informed Supervision

The Indian Child Welfare Act at 40

Family First Prevention Services Act: The Vision, the Pitfallsand the Way Forward

Creating Individualized Visitation Plans for Children
in Foster Care

When Parent Counsel Seized the Legislative Narrative

SKILLS: Objections & Offers of Proof - Child Protection Cases

DISCUSSION: Advising and Empowering Parents to BeTheir Own Best Advocates Prior to Court Involvement

Friday, April 12, 2019

Session D

To the Halls of Congress and The Statehouses

Collaboration Between the Child Welfare System and
Prisons for Incarcerated Parents

Bias & the Child Welfare System: A National Training

Sex Trafficking and Minor Mothers

Foster Parents & Reunification: Resource, Roadblock or Both?

SKILLS: Presenting & Challenging Expert Medical Testimony

DISCUSSION: How Trial and Appellate Partnerships
Elevate the Practice

Session E

Beyond Due Process: Parent Rights After a Child’s Removal

Data as a Tool for Parent Representation

LGBT Parents in Child Welfare Proceedings

Pregnancy, Substance Use & The Child Welfare System

Planning for Successful Reunification/Re-Entry Prevention

SKILLS: Why TPR? How Family Defense Lawyers Can Get  Courts to Address this Fundamental Question

DISCUSSION: FJI: A National Approach to High Quality  Representation for Parents and Children 

Lunch Plenary: Perinatal Addiction and Harm Reduction: Preserving the Mother Baby Relationship in the Face of the Opioid Crisis

Session F

A Trauma-Informed Group for Fathers with Dual Criminal Court and Family Court Involvement

Storming, Forming, and Creating Change for Parents in CO

Mandated Reporting from Hospital Staff

Harm Reduction and Child Welfare: Advocating for 
Evidence-Based Practices

Mamas of Color and Mental Health

SKILLS: Motivational Interviewing

DISCUSSION: Building Alliances w/ Social Justice Movements

Session G

How Parents on Probation Can Break Cycles                                 

 Changes in the Child Welfare Policy Manual to Improve   Representation

The New Jane Crow vs. The New Jim Crow

Using Reflective Practice to Engage Clients

Developing Strategic Appeals Aimed at Creating New Case Law 

SKILLS: Special Issues in Privately Filed-TPRs  and Step-Parent Adoptions

DISCUSSION: Strategies for Improving Child Welfare Response to Families Experiencing Domestic Violence


Closing Plenary: Leveraging New Federal Opportunities