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January 18, 2022

External Resources


President Obama talks guns at PBS town hall (PBS News Hour, June 3, 2016)

Let's treat violence like a contagious disease (TED Talk with Dr. Gary Slutkin, April 2013)

Gun Violence Is Public Health Crisis in Chicago (PBS News Hour, Feb. 22, 2013)

Full-Length Documentaries

The Interruptors (Frontline, Feb. 14, 2012) Traces effort in Chicago to deal with epidemic of gun violence


Symposium on gun violence and public health held at the Mother Emanuel A.M.E. Church (C-SPAN, Dec. 4, 2015; Three-part video of entire program)

Public health symposium explores violence against LGBT+ community (Sept. 12, 2016, The Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins)


Is Gun Violence a Public Health Crisis? (Science Friday, Dec. 4, 2015)

Newspaper/Online Articles

How The Gun Violence Research Ban Hurt Science, In One Graph (Huffington Post, Nov. 22, 2016)

Gun Volence Policy is Pointless without Funding for Public Health Research (Dallas Morning News, Nov. 17, 2016) 

Preventing Gun Suicides May Require Changes to Background Check Laws (Fox News, Nov. 16, 2016)

11 states are considering a law that could transform how the US prevents gun violence (Business Insider, Sept. 12, 2016)

Untangling Gun Violence from Mental Illness (Atlantic, June 7, 2016)

Untold Damage: Overlooked Gun Violence (New York Times, May 22, 2016)

Removing Barriers and Reinvesting in Public Health Research on Gun Violence (Center for American Progress, March 9, 2016)

Are mass shootings contagious? Some scientists who study how viruses spread say yes (Washington Post, March 8, 2016)

How hospitals need to help fight gun violence: 3 experts weigh in on Chicago's pressing public health problem (Becker's Hospital Review, Feb. 23, 2016)

Guns, car crashes and drugs cut US male life expectancy by a year, research says (The Guardian, Feb. 9, 2016)

Is "Epidemic" the Right Metaphor for Gun Violence? (THe Atlantic, Jan. 4, 2016) 

Don’t Blame Mental Illness for Gun Violence (New York Times, Dec. 15, 2015)

To Reduce Suicides, Keep the Guns Away (New York Times, Dec. 15, 2015)

End the Gun Epidemic in America (Editorial, New York Times, Dec. 4, 2015)

Why We Should Think of Gun Violence as a Disease, and Study It Accordingly (Washington Post, Oct. 2, 2015)

A New Way To Tackle Gun Deaths (New York Times, Oct. 3, 2015)

Should Gun Violence Be Treated Like Car Accidents? (U.S. News & World Report, July 7, 2015)

Blog Posts

How Doctors Can Fight Gun Violence (Taking Note, NYT Editors' Blog, May 19, 2016)


Brady Center To Prevent Gun Violence

Coalition To Stop Gun Violence

Prosecutors Against Gun Violence

Precious Lives: A Two-Year, 100-Part Series About Young People and Gun Violence in Milwaukee (Milwaukee Journal Sentinal)

Preventing gun violence in 5 steps (American Public Health Association)

Research Reports 

Gun Violence: Risk, Consequences, and Prevention (Oxford Journals, Epidemilogical Reviews, Vol. 38, 2016)

The Demographics and Politics of Gun-Owning Households (Pew Research Center, June 15, 2014) 

A Minority of Americans Own Guns, But Just How Many is Unclear (Pew Research Center, June 4, 2013)

Advocacy and Policy Statements

Firearm-Related Injury and Death in the United States: A Call to Action From 8 Health Professional Organizations and the American Bar Association

Firearm Removal/Retrieval in Cases of Domestic Violence: Identify, Notify, Remove, Store (Prosecutors Against gun violence & The Consortium for Risked-Based Firearm Policy)

Lesson Plans on Gun Issues

Is Gun Violence a Matter of Public Health? (PBS Newshour)

Do University Students have a Right to Carry Concealed Weapons on Campus? (Bill of Rights Institute)

Educator Guide: The Battle over Gun Control (National Writing Project/ WQED Education)

In the Classroom: Talking About Gun Violence (The Well & Often Reader)

Gun Control in America: Student Discussion Guide (education world)

Gun Control Lesson Plan (Discovery Education)

Gun Control and Terrorism: Laws or Loopholes? (PBS NOW with Bill Moyers)

Policies on Guns (Constitutional Rights Foundation)

Watershed: Teaching About Gun Control After Newtown (Learning Network: New York Times)