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January 18, 2022


Dialogues: for facilitating a public conversation.

ABA Dialogues provide teachers, lawyers, judges, civic leaders, libraries, non-profit organizations, and others the resources they need to engage students and community members in discussions about fundamental legal principles and civic traditions.

The four Dialogues that follow were designed to facilitate a discussion on key issues implicated in a discussion on gun violence in the United States today. Included are modules on understanding Second Amendment rights, balancing individual rights with concerns for public health and safety, and approaching gun violence as a public health issue.

Dialogue leaders should tailor their presentations and content to their particular audience. For more resources and content ideas, please visit this resource’s companion website,

Before getting started, download the dialogue ground rules.

Dialogue 1

Second Amendment:  Words & Rights

Download the Dialogue 1 Leader's Guide

Dialogue 2

Limiting Consitutional Rights: A Balancing Act

Download the Dialogue 2 Leader's Guide