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May 11, 2022

ABA Policies

  • The ABA has decades of official policy statements relating to reproductive rights. Below, we have summarized the most relevant ones. More information on the ABA policy making procedures can be found by visiting the ABA’s House of Delegates
  • Selection of ABA Policies on Reproductive Rights
    • Aug. 1978 Resolution 107A -- This resolution supports legislation on the federal and state level to finance abortion services for indigent women. 
    • Aug. 1990 Resolution 10C -- Recommends that the ABA adopt a neutrality position of abortion. Calls upon the Association to (1) recognize and respect the right of individual ABA members to hold and express personal convictions, beliefs, and views on abortion issues without the ABA adopting a policy supportive of a particular position and (2) rescind Resolution 106C adopted by the House of Delegates in Los Angeles on February 13, 1990.
    • Aug. 1991 10H -- This resolution supports legislation which ensures the right of patients of federally funded family planning clinics to receive full counseling and referrals on all medical options relating to pregnancy, and the right of health care professionals in such facilities to advise their patients in accordance with their best medical judgment and professional ethics.  
    • Aug. 1992 12 -- This resolution opposes state or federal legislation which restricts the right of a woman to choose to terminate a pregnancy (1) before fetal viability; or (2) thereafter, if such termination is necessary to protect the life or health of the woman; supports state and federal legislation which protects the right of a woman to choose to terminate a pregnancy (1) before fetal viability; or (2) thereafter, if such termination is necessary to protect the life or health of the woman. 
    • Aug. 2019 115F -- Protections for access to reproductive healthcare This urges federal, state, local, territorial, and tribal governments to refrain from imposing upon reproductive healthcare providers requirements that are not medically necessary or have the purpose or effect of burdening women’s access to such services. Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice 
    • Feb. 2021 107A -- Opposes the criminal prosecution of any person for having an abortion, or for experiencing a miscarriage, stillbirth, or other pregnancy outcome.