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September 09, 2019

How Courts Work


How Can I Choose a Mediator?

Able mediators come from a wide variety of professions and employ different styles. Important factors in the choice of a mediator include experience, reputation, educational credentials, mediation training, apprenticeships, gender, age, cultural background, knowledge of a particular field, and accreditation by mediation organizations. You should think about your own expectations and goals for the mediation and the mediator style with which you would be comfortable. Do you want a mediator who suggest options, or do you want one who resists offering opinions so that the parties feel responsible for the agreement? As a negotiator for your own interests, what support do you need from a mediator? Many mediators can help you understand what services might be best for your dispute. You may wish to interview the mediator.

A good place to start looking for a mediator is in the telephone book under “Mediation Services.” That will guide you to agencies and individuals in the field. Other sources for mediators include community and private mediation centers, therapists, small claims or District courts, attorneys, social service agencies such as United Way, and business organizations such as the Better Business Bureau. Local or state bar associations may give you names of mediators or may administer mediation programs. The Martindale-Hubbell Dispute Resolution Directory lists mediators in every state, and should be available for reference at a law library. National dispute resolution associations are listed in the following section, and, as noted, some will send you names of mediators in your area.

The American Bar Association has available a videotape about mediation and a companion facilitator’s guide. For more information, contact the ABA Service Center, 541 N. Fairbanks Court, Chicago, Illinois 60611-3314, telephone 1-800-285-2221. Reference PC# 468-0050.

>>What Is Mediation?
>>What Is the Relationship between Mediation and the Law?
>>What Are the Advantages to Mediation?
>>What Are the Processes Involved?
>>In What Cases Might Mediation Be Used?
>>How Can I Choose a Mediator?

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The Human Side of Being a Judge | *Mediation*