Sexual Harassment
What is hostile environment harassment?
This occurs when an employee is subjected to comments of a sexual nature, offensive sexual materials, or unwelcome physical contact as a regular part of the work environment. Generally speaking, a single isolated incident will not be considered hostile environment harassment unless it is extremely outrageous and egregious conduct. The courts look to see whether the conduct is both serious and frequent.
Supervisors, managers, co-workers and even customers can be responsible for creating a hostile environment.
>>How is sexual harassment defined?
>>What is quid pro quo harassment?
>>If a worker "voluntarily" has sex with a supervisor, does this mean that she has not been sexually harassed?
>>Is an employer liable for quid pro quo harassment engaged in by its supervisors?
>>What is hostile environment harassment?
>>Is an employer liable for hostile environment harassment?
>>What should victims of sexual harassment do?
>>How can employers prevent sexual harassment?
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*Sexual Harassment*