Security Deposits
This is one of the biggest bones of contentions between landlord and tenantwhat does the deposit cover, when is the landlord entitled to keep all or some of it, how does the tenant get it back.
Click on the links below for more information on this particular subject area. Main subject areas for the "Renting a Home" section are linked at the bottom of these pages.
What is a security deposit?
What does the lease say about security deposits?
Are deposits for cleaning, pets, parking, or garage door openers considered security deposits and, thus, refundable?
Must landlords hold security deposits in a separate bank account apart from other assets?
Does the landlord have to pay interest on deposits?
Under what conditions does the landlord owe a refund of the security deposit?
What should the tenant do if the landlord does not refund the deposit or refunds what the tenant believes is too little?
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