Legal Issues of the Internet
What common sense protections are there for buying online?
It is remarkably easy to put up a slick website that has nothing real, or nothing legitimate, behind it. Do not assume that because a merchant displays an authentic trademark or accepts credit cards that it is what it seems to be. Nothing could be easier than copying these marks or arranging for a third party to act as a credit card clearing house with little or no accountability. Avoid buying luxury goods over the Internet except from established merchants you know from the "real world." Chances are they are counterfeits.
For more information about being safe while shopping online, visit the ABA's informational site Safe Shopping.
>>How can you protect yourself online?
>>What common sense protections are there for buying online?
>>What legal protections are there for buying online?
>>What about substitute goods?
>>Is it safe to give a credit card number online?
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*Legal Issues of the Internet*