Avoiding Liability
What are some liability risks?
Negligence is usually the basis of a liability suit. Take steps to avoid the conditions that would prove carelessness. Some examples of cases in which a court might find you negligent:
- failure to maintain your property or creation of a condition that may result in injury or damage to someone else's property;
- knowledge of a hazard and lack of intent to eliminate the hazard, erect barriers, or warn people who enter your property;
- lack of care in maintaining or creating hazards that might attract children;
- actions or inaction that might cause damage to your neighbors' property.
>>What are some liability risks?
>>Whats a checklist for a safe home?
>>What happens if someone is injured on my property and we are both at fault?
>>What about liability in regard to children?
>>If I host a party in my house, am I liable for my guests' actions?
>>What about liability concerning my pets?
>>What should I do if someone is injured on my property?
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