How should the tenant or the landlord change the lease if either doesn't like certain clauses?
If either one can persuade the other to remove a particular provision, that provision should be marked out in ink on all copies. The marked-out sections should then be initialed by both the landlord and the tenant.
Many preprinted forms contain large blank spaces for the landlord and tenant to write additional agreements, which become part of the lease. These inserted paragraphs should be initialed by both landlord and tenant. If the spaces are absent or are too small, the additional terms should be written on a separate sheet of paper and signed by both the landlord and tenant.
>>What is a lease or rental agreement?
>>Do all tenants have the same kind of lease?
>>What are the advantages of an oral versus a written lease?
>>What are the disadvantages of an oral lease?
>>What are the advantages of a written lease?
>>What are the disadvantages of a written lease?
>>Can leases be negotiated?
>>How should the tenant or the landlord change the lease if either doesn't like certain clauses?
>>Does the law regulate the provisions in a lease?
>>Can tenants be forced to waive their rights by signing a lease?
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